No? You may want to check the EPA Superfund Site before you answer that question. You may be drinking it without your consent... or even worse... you may actually even be paying for it... township public water... Who Knew?
Have you ever heard of the term "pesticide poisoning?" It occurs when chemicals intended to control "pests" poison humans. Farmers use pesticides on their crops. Crops like tobacco and cotton. Is there a correlation between pesticide poisoning and Pancreatic Cancer? Is there a link between Malathion and Pancreatic Cancer? How about a link between Lindane and Pancreatic Cancer?
Malathion and Lindane are carcinogens. Carcinogens are a class of substances that are directly responsible for damaging DNA and promoting or aiding cancer. Upon my father's diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer, I found out that my father lived, for 18 years, directly adjacent to a Pesticide Processing and Formulating Facility. The facility is currently an EPA Superfund Site, called Pulverizing Services, and is located in Moorestown, NJ (please see the link to the right for the EPA's 'Record of Decision.' The EPA decision will list each chemical of contamination.) My father had well water for 14 of the 18 years he lived adjacent to this site. He actually recalls the facility blowing up two times while living there.
Malathion and Lindane are organochlorine pesticides. The more familiar organochlorine pesticides are DDT, DDE, aldrin and dieldrin (also in my father's drinking water.) This class of pesticides may act as endocrine disruptors, interfering with hormonal function of estrogen, testosterone and other steroid hormones. The endocrine system is a network of glands throughout your body, which includes the pancreas. What is interesting is that correlations exist between organochlorine pesticides and Pancreatic Cancer, GERD, periodontal disease, Hirschsprungs disease, and colitis. ALL of these diseases run in my family. Each classified as a digestive disorder. Four generations of my family, starting with my father's father, have had some form of illness related to a digestive disorder.
Did you ever wonder why the largest population of Pancreatic Cancer victims are African Americans? How many generations of African Americans have worked in the cotton fields of Africa or the United States? What is the predominant pesticide used for controlling insects in cotton agriculture ... Malathion.
Who Knew? Pancreatic Cancer wiped out President Jimmy Carter's entire family. His mother, father, two sisters and brother all died from Pancreatic Cancer. Jimmy Carter's family lived near cotton fields, where Malathion was used. You will often read that Pancreatic Cancer is caused by "genetics." Well, what if the chemicals being ingested and inhaled by our ancestors were creating mutations in their genes that predisposed them and their descendants to Pancreatic Cancer? Is that possible? My research is leading me to believe the answer is "YES."